Knowle Badminton Club ("the Club")

We are a friendly club and meet every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 10.00pm at Arden School, Station Road, Knowle. Our aim is to provide a badminton facility for our members, and to promote competition against other clubs. The Club is affiliated to the Badminton Association of England and the Warwickshire Badminton Association.

31 August, 2006

Minutes of AGM 22 June 2005

Knowle Badminton Club

Minutes of AGM 22 June 2005 at 7.30

1. Apologies…Sue Trzcinski, Jill Wilkes
All other members in attendance

2. Minutes of last meeting….no matters arising.
Proposed ..Tony Dadd
Seconded .. Liz Purchase

3. Treasurers report.
Income and expenditure FY05 (see treasurers report)
Membership…at present we have 21 members (max24)
Proposed subs for next season…

New members ?95.00
Existing members ?85 (if paid by 31 July)
Visitors Fee ?3.00
Under 18 at 31/8 ?2.00
Members under 18 and in full time education ?50.00
Match fees ?3.00

Proposed ..Steve May
Seconded ..Katie Flood

4. Secretaries report..
The club is now on the Solihull sport web site, and has prompted several enquiries

5. Solihull league Combined.
Everyone enjoyed playing in these games, but alas the club was relegated, the club will enter next season.

6. Battledore Cup.
The club got through to the semi finals which was a great achievement. All teams will be entered for next season and it is hoped more members will join the teams. A big thank you to everyone involved

7. Coventry League.
Of the 7 teams entered, our club came 5th, this was an excellent result, as the goal was to stay up in the division. The team will enter next season but must be sharper if we are to have more success.

8. Social secretaries report

The Christmas dinner was good and well attended. Our next dinner will be held at a different venue, perhaps the Forest. Rob will look into this.
The Dog racing was very successful with everyone having a little flutter.
B.B.Q. Everyone enjoyed the evening the food and company were excellent.
A big thank you to Neil and Karen, ..and also Liz for arranging meat.

A note for your diary is Sept 28th bowling and Italian, Rob to organize.

9. Chairman’s report

Thank to committee for all work and support, and also the continued support from members. All league teams have done well this season and hopefully will do better next year.

A warm welcome is extended to all new members.

We still have spaces for new members

10. Election of committee members All members were willing to stand again
Proposed ..Liz Purchase
Seconded ..Sue Billington

11. Club constitution and Rules
We have updated the rules as they had become outdated
There is a new constitution and rules for members and visitors.
Every member should have a copy of these.

Proposed ..Jan Walton
Seconded ..Steve May

12. A.O.B.
All visitors to understand they do not have insurance cover and that must sign an indemnity form kept in the box.
Tony asked that shuttles are not flicked across the floor as this damages them very quickly. Also, that we should standardize shuttles.
Neil to arrange coaching sessions for Sept/Oct 05 and April 06.
Continue Advertising for new players. Mark to look into a club web site.

Malcolm proposed a vote of thanks to Neil for all his hard work over the year,
this was supported by all members present.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.


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