Knowle Badminton Club ("the Club")

We are a friendly club and meet every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 10.00pm at Arden School, Station Road, Knowle. Our aim is to provide a badminton facility for our members, and to promote competition against other clubs. The Club is affiliated to the Badminton Association of England and the Warwickshire Badminton Association.

26 October, 2006

Social Event

Hello all (well those that ever read these ramblings)

You should all be receiving soon from our Social Secretary (can't remember his name!!!) an invite for the next Social Night Out.

Date - Friday 10th November
Time - 7.00 onwards
Meeting Point - Red Lion
Eating - Curry House (Ellora or Cafe Safron not sure which one yet)
Thereafter - who knows!!

Hope you can all make it.


PS Rob and Paul especially for you both a picture of a hairy beaver for you to print off and enjoy!!!


Blogger Knowle Badminton Club said...

Hi Dave

Another date was suggested, but I can't remember which one (Paul might be able to remember). I guess we could switch the date. Can you remember the other date?


12:04 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry can't remember another date, although I'm sure it was for when Miss Tonks had another empty slot, which were few and far between with her being so popular!!

How did the results go on Sunday??

12:30 am  
Blogger Knowle Badminton Club said...

Sunday.........was there a match? I was in my PJs at 6.00 (rock and roll) so as far as I am concerned that was a great result!!


Social butterfly (or is it Social Moth?)

2:54 pm  

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