Knowle Badminton Club ("the Club")

We are a friendly club and meet every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 10.00pm at Arden School, Station Road, Knowle. Our aim is to provide a badminton facility for our members, and to promote competition against other clubs. The Club is affiliated to the Badminton Association of England and the Warwickshire Badminton Association.

07 November, 2006

When Liz gets that bit between her...........................

teeth, we know that she means business. The ladies participating this week were Lovely Liz, Nan, Grace and JT. Again can't remember scores but the overall win went to Knowle Badminton. General overview, some boring games, over very quickly (all finished at 8.15) and not many bananas eaten this week. Also thank you to Sue T for coming to support us.

Although lacking on the match reporting Paul, I think you will agree another fine photo !



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