Knowle Badminton Club ("the Club")

We are a friendly club and meet every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 10.00pm at Arden School, Station Road, Knowle. Our aim is to provide a badminton facility for our members, and to promote competition against other clubs. The Club is affiliated to the Badminton Association of England and the Warwickshire Badminton Association.

17 May, 2007

Coventry League

coventry league dinner dance

Hopefully if I have done this right are some photos from the Coventry League Dinner Dance in which members of our lovely club picked up a little trophy (as did steve please see photos)for coming first in the division - they also got promoted to the next division - division one i think.

Great evening, nice food and good company and I think the general consensus was that the girl in the green dress did have knickers on.

Thanks for organizing Steve.